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Galician Phrases

The Galician phrases are helpful because they are used daily. Below we picked expressions that a new learner will find useful. We included the audio as well. This is a better way to learning. Learn only what you need. We start with greetings and introduction.

Hi: ola  Audio
What is your name?: como se chama?  Audio
Nice to meet you: encantado/a!  Audio
How are you?: como está?  Audio
I'm good, thanks: estou ben, grazas  Audio
And you?: e vostede?  Audio

Language and Age Phrases

More questions about language and age:

Do you speak (English/Galician)?: fala (inglés/galego)?  Audio
Does she speak Chinese?: ela fala chinés?  Audio
A little bit: un pouquiño  Audio
How old are you?: cantos anos ten?  Audio
I'm 33 years old: teño 33 anos   Audio
It was nice talking to you: foi un pracer falar con vostede  Audio

If you don't understand something, this will be your secret weapon:

What do you mean?: que quere dicir?  Audio
I don't understand: non entendo  Audio
I don't know: non sei  Audio
Sorry: síntoo  Audio
What is that called in Galician?: como se chama iso en galego?  Audio
What does that word mean in English?: que quere dicir esa palabra en inglés?  Audio

More personal information about origins and profession:

Where are you from?: de onde é?  Audio
I'm from the U.S: son dos estados unidos  Audio
I'm American: son americano  Audio
Where do you live?: onde vive?  Audio
I live in the U.S: vivo nos estados unidos  Audio
What do you do for a living?: a que se dedica?  Audio
I'm a student: son estudante  Audio

Offering or asking for help and giving directions:

Can I help you?: podo axudarlle?  Audio
Can you help me?: pode axudarme?  Audio
Where is the airport?: onde está o aeroporto?  Audio
Go straight: siga dereito  Audio
Then: logo / despois  Audio
Turn left: xire á esquerda  Audio
Turn right: xire á dereita  Audio

Holiday Wishes Phrases

Good wishes in Galician in holidays and occasions:

Happy birthday: feliz aniversario  Audio
Happy new year: feliz aninovo  Audio
Merry Christmas: bo nadal  Audio
Good luck: boa sorte  Audio
Congratulations: parabéns  Audio

Galician expressions commonly used when traveling or buying:

I have a reservation: teño unha reserva  Audio
Do you have rooms available?: ten habitacións libres?  Audio
I would like a non-smoking room: quero unha habitación para non fumadores  Audio
How much it costs per night?: cal é a tarifa por noite?  Audio
Waiter: camarero!/camarera!  Audio
How much is this?: canto custa isto?  Audio
What is this?: que é isto?  Audio

Survival phrases considered to be important in emergencies:

Are you okay?: está ben?  Audio
I need a doctor: necesito un médico  Audio
Help: socorro!  Audio
Call the ambulance: chame unha ambulancia  Audio
Call the police: chame a policía  Audio
I am sick: síntome mal  Audio

These Galician phrases can be used in a variety of conversations. If you have already visited our Galician Vocabulary and Galician Grammar, you might want to visit our Galician Flashcards to practice what you learned.

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Did you know? Phrases are the combination of the use of vocabulary and grammar. Mastering the vocabulary and grammar can result in the ability to make useful Galician phrases.

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