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Serbian Grammar

The Serbian grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Serbian and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:

And: и  [i] Audio Under: испод  [ispod] Audio
Before: пре  [prye] Audio After: после  [poslye] Audio
Inside: унутар  [oonootar] Audio Outside: ван  [van] Audio
With: са  [sa] Audio But: али  [ali] Audio
For: за  [za] Audio From: од  [od] Audio
To: у  [oo] Audio In: у  [oo] Audio

Questions and Adverbs

To ask questions, use the following:

What?: шта?  [shta?] Audio Who?: ко?  [ko?] Audio
How?: како?  [kako?] Audio Why?: зашто?  [zashto?] Audio
Where?: где?  [gudye?] Audio

Some of the most important time adverbs:

Never: никада  [nikada] Audio Rarely: ретко  [ryetko] Audio
Sometimes: понекад  [ponyekad] Audio Usually: обично  [obichno] Audio
Always: увек  [oovyek] Audio Very: веома  [vyeoma] Audio

Most commonly used pronouns in Serbian:

I: ја  [јa] Audio You: ти/ви  [ti/vi] Audio
He: он  [on] Audio She: она  [ona] Audio
We: ми  [mi] Audio They: они  [oni] Audio

To express the possession of something [possessive form]:

My: мој  [moј] Audio Your: тво  [tvo] Audio
His: његов   [њyeguov ] Audio Her: њен   [њyen ] Audio
Our: наш  [nash] Audio Their: њихов  [њikhov] Audio

Grammar in a sentence

Some random verbs to show how it's being used:

I speak English: говорим енглески  [guovorim yengulyeski] Audio
You speak French: говорите француски  [guovoritye frantzooski] Audio
He speaks German: говори немачки  [guovori nyemachki] Audio
She speaks Italian: говори италијански  [guovori italiјanski] Audio
I visited France: посетио сам француску  [posyetio sam frantzooskoo] Audio
I will drink milk: ја ћу пити млеко  [јa ćoo piti mlyeko] Audio

Some extra grammatical structures:

I understand you: разумем те  [razoomyem tye] Audio
I don't understand you: не разумем те  [nye razoomyem tye] Audio
I don't speak French: не говорим француски  [nye guovorim frantzooski] Audio
This is my house: ово је моја кућа  [ovo јye moјa kooća] Audio
That restaurant is far: тај ресторан је далеко  [taј ryestoran јye dalyeko] Audio
No problem: нема проблема  [nyema problyema] Audio

The above Serbian grammar can provide tools to use in coordination with the Serbian vocabulary to obtain some popular Serbian phrases.

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Did you know? Grammar can help you increase your vocabulary dramatically. Grammar is like a tool which helps you manipulate words in a sentence by changing the shape and location of a word to create something new out of the old one.

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