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Creole Vocabulary

The Creole vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.

One: yune Two: de Three: twa
Four: kat Five: senk Six: sis
Seven: sèt Eight: wit Nine: nèf
Ten: dis First: premye Second: dezyèm

Time Expressions

Days of the week and time expressions:

Monday: lendi Tuesday: madi Wednesday: mèkredi
Thursday: jedi Friday: vandredi Saturday: samdi
Sunday: dimanch Now: kounye a Yesterday:
Today: jodi a Tonight: aswè a Tomorrow: demen

Most popular fruits and vegetables:

Fruits: fwi Apples: pòm
Bananas: fig Tomatoes: tomat
Potatoes: pòmdetè Onions: zonyon
Colors that we think are imprtant to remember


Red: wouj Green: vèt Blue: ble
White: blan Black: nwa Grey: gri

Some words related to food:

Breakfast: manje maten Lunch: manje midi
Dinner: dine Milk: lèt
Coffee: kafe Bread: pen

Weather terms and sensations:

Sunny: li fè soley Windy: van Rainy: lapli ap tombe
Snowy: la nèj ap tombe Cold: frèt Hot: cho

Words related to family and relatives:

Boy: ti gason Girl: ti fi
Son: pitit gason Daughter: pitit fi
Brother: frè Sister:
Man: gason Woman: fanm
Father: papa Mother: manman
Grandfather: gran pè Grandmother: grann

Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:

House: kay Toilet: twalèt Room: chanm
Bedroom: chanm Kitchen: kwizin Table: tablo

Animals and pets popular to everyone:

Cat: chat Dog: chen Mouse: sourit
Bird: zwazo Cow: bèf Horse: cheval

The clothes most worn by most people:

Socks: chosèt Shoes: soulye Trousers: pantalon
Shirt: chemiz Sweater: swetè Coat: manto

Most popular languages in the world:

English: angle French: franse German: alman
Spanish: panyòl Italian: italyen Portuguese: pòtigè
Greek: grèk Russian: larisi Arabic: arab
Hindi: hindi Chinese: chinwa Japanese: japonè

Travel Vocabulary

Most popular terms when traveling:

Taxi: taksi Bus: otobis
Hotel: hotel Reservation: rezèvasyon
Airport: ayewopò Passport: paspò

Words you can use in class or talking about school:

Student: elèv Teacher: pwofesè Pen: plim
Books: liv Page: paj Dictionary: diksyonè

Body parts which are talked about more often:

Hand: men Feet: pye Hair: cheve
Eye: je Mouth: bouch Nose: nen

Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:

Ambulance: anbilans Doctor: doktè
Hospital: lopital Pharmacy: famasi
Police: lapolis Stomach Ache: lestomak-fèmal

As you can see, this Creole vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.

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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often.

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