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The Serbian vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.
Days of the week and time expressions:
Most popular fruits and vegetables:
Fruits: воће [voćye] | Apples: јабуке [јabookye] |
Bananas: банане [bananye] | Tomatoes: парадајз [paradaјz] |
Potatoes: кромпир [krompir] | Onions: лук [look] |
Red: црвена [tzrvyena] | Green: зелена [zyelyena] |
Blue: плава [plava] | White: бела [byela] |
Black: црна [tzrna] | Grey: сива [siva] |
Some words related to food:
Breakfast: доручак [doroochak] | Lunch: ручак [roochak] |
Dinner: вечера [vyechyera] | Milk: млеко [mlyeko] |
Coffee: кафа [kafa] | Bread: хлеб [khlyeb] |
Weather terms and sensations:
Sunny: сунчано [soonchano] | Windy: ветровито [vyetrovito] |
Rainy: кишовито [kishovito] | Snowy: снежне падавине [snyeʐnye padavinye] |
Cold: хладно [khladno] | Hot: вруће [vrooćye] |
Words related to family and relatives:
Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:
House: кућа [kooća] | Toilet: тоалет [toalyet] |
Room: соба [soba] | Bedroom: спаваћа соба [spavaća soba] |
Kitchen: кухиња [kookhiњa] | Table: сто [sto] |
Animals and pets popular to everyone:
Cat: мачка [machka] | Dog: пас [pas] |
Mouse: миш [mish] | Bird: птица [ptitza] |
Cow: крава [krava] | Horse: коњ [koњ] |
The clothes most worn by most people:
Socks: чарапе [charapye] | Shoes: ципеле [tzipyelye] |
Trousers: панталоне [pantalonye] | Shirt: кошуља [koshoolja] |
Sweater: џемпер [dʒyempyer] | Coat: капут [kapoot] |
Most popular languages in the world:
Most popular terms when traveling:
Taxi: такси [taksi] | Bus: аутобус [aootoboos] |
Hotel: хотел [khotyel] | Reservation: резервација [ryezyervatziјa] |
Airport: аеродром [ayerodrom] | Passport: пасош [pasosh] |
Words you can use in class or talking about school:
Student: ученик [oochyenik] | Teacher: наставник [nastavnik] |
Pen: хемијска оловка [khyemiјska olovka] | Books: књиге [kњiguye] |
Page: страна [strana] | Dictionary: речник [ryechnik] |
Body parts which are talked about more often:
Hand: шака [shaka] | Feet: ноге [noguye] |
Hair: коса [kosa] | Eye: око [oko] |
Mouth: уста [oosta] | Nose: нос [nos] |
Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:
Ambulance: хитна помоћ [khitna pomoć] | Doctor: лекар [lyekar] |
Hospital: болница [bolnitza] | Pharmacy: апотека [apotyeka] |
Police: полиција [politziјa] | Stomach Ache: бол у стомаку [bol oo stomakoo] |
As you can see, this Serbian vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.
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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often. |