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Assamese Grammar

The Assamese grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Assamese and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:

And: আৰু  [Ārau] Under: তলত  [Talata]
Before: আগেয়ে  [Āgēẏē] After: পিছত  [Pichata]
Inside: ভিতৰফালে  [Bhitaraphālē] Outside: বাহিৰফালে  [Bāhiraphālē]
With: সৈতে  [Saitē] But: কিন্তু  [Kintu]
For: বাবে  [Bābē] From: পৰা  [Paraā]
To: লৈ  [Lai] In: ভিতৰত  [Bhitarata]

Questions and Adverbs

To ask questions, use the following:

What?: কি?  [Ki?] Who?: কোন?  [Kōna?]
How?: কেনেকৈ?  [Kēnēkai?] Why?: কিয়?  [Kiẏa?]
Where?: ক'ত?  [Ka'ta?]

Some of the most important time adverbs:

Never: কেতিয়াও  [Kētiẏā'ō] Rarely: কেতিয়াবাহে  [Kētiẏābāhē]
Sometimes: কেতিয়াবা  [Kētiẏābā] Usually: সাধাৰনতে  [Sādhāranatē]
Always: সদায়  [Sadāẏa] Very: খুব  [Khuba]

Most commonly used pronouns in Assamese:

I: মই  [Ma'i] You: আপুনি  [Āpuni]
He: তেখেত  [Tēkhēta] She: তেখেত  [Tēkhēta]
We: আমি  [Āmi] They: তেখেতসকল  [Tēkhētasakala]

To express the possession of something [possessive form]:

My: মোৰ  [Mōra] Your: আপোনাৰ  [Āpōnāra]
His: তেখেতৰ  [Tēkhētara] Her: তেখেতৰ  [Tēkhētara]
Our: আমাৰ  [Āmāra] Their: তেখেতসকলৰ  [Tēkhētasakalara]

Grammar in a sentence

Some random verbs to show how it's being used:

I speak English: মই ইংৰাজী কওঁ।  [Ma'i iṁraājī ka'ōm̐.]
You speak French: আপুনি ফৰাছীভাষা কয়।  [Āpuni pharaāchībhāṣā kaẏa.]
He speaks German: তেখেতে জাৰ্মান কয়।  [Tēkhētē jārmāna kaẏa.]
She speaks Italian: তেখেতে ইটালীয় ভাষা কয়।  [Tēkhētē iṭālīẏa bhāṣā kaẏa.]
I visited France: আমি ফ্রান্স ভ্রমন কৰিছোঁ। - আমি ফ্রান্সলৈ গৈছো।  [Āmi phrānsa bhramana karaichōm̐. - Āmi phrānsalai gaichō.]
I will drink milk: মই গাখীৰ খাওঁ।  [Ma'i gākhīra khā'ōm̐.]

Some extra grammatical structures:

I understand you: মই আপোনাক বুজোঁ।  [Ma'i āpōnāka bujōm̐.]
I don't understand you: মই আপোনাক বুজা নাই।  [Ma'i āpōnāka bujā nā'i.]
I don't speak French: মই ফৰাছী ভাষা নকওঁ।  [Ma'i pharaāchī bhāṣā naka'ōm̐.]
This is my house: এইটো মোৰ ঘৰ।  [Ē'iṭō mōra ghara.]
That restaurant is far: সেই ৰেস্তোঁৰাখনলৈ বহুদূৰ।  [Sē'i raēstōm̐raākhanalai bahudūra.]
No problem: চিন্তা নকৰিব।  [Cintā nakaraiba.]

The above Assamese grammar can provide tools to use in coordination with the Assamese vocabulary to obtain some popular Assamese phrases.

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Did you know? Grammar can help you increase your vocabulary dramatically. Grammar is like a tool which helps you manipulate words in a sentence by changing the shape and location of a word to create something new out of the old one.

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