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The Mongolian grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Mongolian and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:
And: ба, болон [ba, bolon] | Under: доор [door] |
Before: өмнө [өmnө] | After: дараа [daraa] |
Inside: дотор [dotor] | Outside: гадна [gadna] |
With: -тай [ -taĭ] | But: гэхдээ [gekhdkhee] |
For: -д [ -d] | From: -аас [ -aas] |
To: рүү [rүү] | In: дотор [dotor] |
To ask questions, use the following:
What?: юу? [yuu?] | Who?: хэн? [kheen?] |
How?: хэрхэн? [kheerkheen?] | Why?: яагаад? [yaagaad?] |
Where?: хаана? [khaana?] |
Some of the most important time adverbs:
Never: хэзээ ч [kheezkhee ch] | Rarely: цөөхөн [tsөөkhөn] |
Sometimes: хааяа [khaayaa] | Usually: ихэвчлэн [ikheevchkheen] |
Always: үргэлж [үrgelzh] | Very: маш, их [mash, ikh] |
Most commonly used pronouns in Mongolian:
I: би [bi] | You: та [ta] |
He: тэр (эрэгтэй) [kheer (ekheegkheeĭ)] | She: тэр (эмэгтэй) [kheer (ekheegkheeĭ)] |
We: бид [bid] | They: тэд [kheed] |
To express the possession of something [possessive form]:
My: миний [miniĭ] | Your: таны [tany] |
His: түүний (тэр эрэгтэйн) [tүүniĭ (kheer ekheegkheeĭn)] | Her: түүний (тэр эмэгтэйн) [tүүniĭ (kheer ekheegkheeĭn)] |
Our: бидний [bidniĭ] | Their: тэдний [kheedniĭ] |
Some random verbs to show how it's being used:
I speak English: би англи хэлээр ярьдаг [bi angli kheekhekheer yarʹdag] |
You speak French: та франц хэлээр ярьдаг [ta frants kheekhekheer yarʹdag] |
He speaks German: тэр эрэгтэй герман хэлээр ярьдаг [kheer ekheegkheeĭ german kheekhekheer yarʹdag] |
She speaks Italian: тэр эмэгтэй итали хэлээр ярьдаг [kheer ekheegkheeĭ itali kheekhekheer yarʹdag] |
I visited France: би францд аялсан [bi frantsd ayalsan] |
I will drink milk: би сүү ууна [bi sүү uuna] |
Some extra grammatical structures:
I understand you: би таныг ойлгож байна [bi tanyg oĭlgozh baĭna] |
I don't understand you: би таныг ойлгохгүй байна [bi tanyg oĭlgokhgүĭ baĭna] |
I don't speak French: би франц хэлээр ярьдаггүй [bi frants kheekhekheer yarʹdaggүĭ] |
This is my house: энэ бол миний байшин [ekhee bol miniĭ baĭshin] |
That restaurant is far: тэр ресторан бол хол [kheer restoran bol khol] |
No problem: зүгээр зүгээр [zүgkheer zүgkheer] |
The above Mongolian grammar can provide tools to use in coordination with the Mongolian vocabulary to obtain some popular Mongolian phrases.
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Did you know? Grammar can help you increase your vocabulary dramatically. Grammar is like a tool which helps you manipulate words in a sentence by changing the shape and location of a word to create something new out of the old one. |