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The Odia phrases are helpful because they are used daily. Below we picked expressions that a new learner will find useful. We included the audio as well. This is a better way to learning. Learn only what you need. We start with greetings and introduction.
Hi: ହାଏ [hā'ē] |
What is your name?: ଆପଣଙ୍କର ନାମ କ’ଣ ? [āpaṇaṅkara nāma ka 'ṇa.] |
Nice to meet you: ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଭେଟି ଭଲ ଲାଗିଲା [āpaṇaṅku bhēṭi bhala lāgilā] |
How are you?: ଆପଣ କିପରି ଅଛନ୍ତି? [āpaṇa kipari achanti.] |
I'm good, thanks: ମୁଁ ଭଲ ଅଛି, ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ [mum̐ bhala achi, dhanẏabāda] |
And you?: ଆଉ ଆପଣ? [ā'u āpaṇa.] |
More questions about language and age:
Do you speak (English/Odia)?: ଆପଣ (ଇଂରାଜୀ/ଓଡ଼ିଆ) କୁହନ୍ତି କି? [āpaṇa (inrājī / ōṛi'ā) kuhanti ki.] |
Does she speak Chinese?: ସେ ଚାଇନିଜ୍ କହିପାରନ୍ତି କି? [sē cā'inij kahipāranti ki.] |
A little bit: ଅଳ୍ପ ଟିକେ [aḷpa ṭikē] |
How old are you?: ଆପଣଙ୍କର ବୟସ କେତେ? [āpaṇaṅkara baẏasa kētē.] |
I'm 33 years old: ମୋର ବୟସ ତେତିଶ ବର୍ଷ ଅଟେ [mōra baẏasa tētiśa barṣa aṭē] |
It was nice talking to you: ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସହିତ କଥା ହୋଇ ଭଲ ଲାଗିଲା [āpaṇaṅka sahita kathā hō'i bhala lāgilā] |
If you don't understand something, this will be your secret weapon:
What do you mean?: ଆପଣ କ’ଣ କହିବାକୁ ଚାହାଁନ୍ତି? [āpaṇa ka 'ṇa kahibāku cāhām̐nti.] |
I don't understand: ମୁଁ ବୁଝି ପାରିଲି ନାହିଁ [mum̐ bujhi pārili nāhim̐] |
I don't know: ମୁଁ ଜାଣି ନାହିଁ [mum̐ jāṇi nāhim̐] |
Sorry: କ୍ଷମାକରିବେ [kṣamākaribē] |
What is that called in Odia?: ତାକୁ ଓଡ଼ିଆରେ କ’ଣ କୁହନ୍ତି? [tāku ōṛi'ārē ka 'ṇa kuhanti.] |
What does that word mean in English?: ଇଂରାଜୀରେ ଏହାର ଅର୍ଥ କ’ଣ? [inrājīrē ēhāra artha ka 'ṇa.] |
More personal information about origins and profession:
Where are you from?: ଆପଣ କେଉଁଠାରୁ ଆସିଛନ୍ତି? [āpaṇa kē'um̐ṭhāru āsichanti.] |
I'm from the U.S: ମୁଁ ୟୁ.ଏସ୍. (ସଂଯୁକ୍ତ ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ର)ରୁ ଆସିଛି [mum̐ ẏu: ēs. (sanyukta rāṣṭra) ru āsichi] |
I'm American: ମୁଁ ଆମେରିକୀୟ ଅଟେ [mum̐ āmērikīẏa aṭē] |
Where do you live?: ଆପଣ କେଉଁଠାରେ ରୁହନ୍ତି? [āpaṇa kē'um̐ṭhārē ruhanti.] |
I live in the U.S: ମୁଁ ୟୁ.ଏସ୍. (ସଂଯୁକ୍ତ ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ର)ରେ ରୁହେ [mum̐ ẏu: ēs. (sanyukta rāṣṭra) rē ruhē] |
What do you do for a living?: ଆପଣ କାମ କ’ଣ କରନ୍ତି? [āpaṇa kāma ka 'ṇa karanti.] |
I'm a student: ମୁଁ ଜଣେ ଛାତ୍ର ଅଟେ [mum̐ jaṇē chātra aṭē] |
Offering or asking for help and giving directions:
Can I help you?: ମୁଁ ତୁମକୁ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିପାରେ କି? [mum̐ tumaku sāhāyẏa karipārē ki.] |
Can you help me?: ତୁମେ ମୋତେ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିପାରିବ କି? [tumē mōtē sāhāyẏa karipāriba ki.] |
Where is the airport?: ଏୟାର୍ ପୋର୍ଟ କୋଉଠି [ēẏār pōrṭa kō'uṭhi] |
Go straight: ସିଧା ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ [sidhā yā'āntu] |
Then: ତା’ପରେ [tā 'parē] |
Turn left: ବାମ ପଟକୁ ବୁଲିବେ [bāma paṭaku bulibē] |
Turn right: ଡାହାଣ ପଟ କୁ ବୁଲିବେ [ḍ'̔āhāṇa paṭa ku bulibē] |
Good wishes in Odia in holidays and occasions:
Happy birthday: ହାପ୍ପୀ ବାର୍ଥଡେ [hāppī bārthaḍē] |
Happy new year: ହାପ୍ପୀ ନ୍ୟୁ ୟର୍ [hāppī nẏu ẏar] |
Merry Christmas: ମେରୀ କ୍ରିସମାସ୍ [mērī krisamās] |
Good luck: ଗୁଡ୍ ଲକ୍ [guḍ lak] |
Congratulations: କଂଗ୍ରାଚୁଲେସନ୍ସ୍ [kaṅgrāculēsans] |
Odia expressions commonly used when traveling or buying:
I have a reservation: ମୋର ଗୋଟେ ରିଜର୍ଭେସନ୍ ଅଛି [mōra gōṭē rijarbhēsan achi] |
Do you have rooms available?: ଆପଣଙ୍କ ପାଖରେ ଖାଲି ରୁମ୍ ଅଛି କି? [āpaṇaṅka pākharē khāli rum achi ki.] |
I would like a non-smoking room: ମୋର ଗୋଟେ ନନ୍-ସ୍ମୋକିଙ୍ଗ୍ ରୁମ୍ ଦରକାର [mōra gōṭē nan - smōkiṅg rum darakāra] |
How much it costs per night?: ଗୋଟେ ରାତି ପାଇଁ ଚାର୍ଜ କେତେ? [gōṭē rāti pā'im̐ cārja kētē.] |
Waiter: ୱେଟର୍ [ẇēṭar] |
How much is this?: ୟାର ଦାମ୍ କେତେ? [ẏāra dām kētē.] |
What is this?: ଏଇଟା କ’ଣ [ē'iṭā ka 'ṇa] |
Survival phrases considered to be important in emergencies:
Are you okay?: ଆପଣ ଠିକ୍ ଅଛନ୍ତି ତ? [āpaṇa ṭhik achanti ta.] |
I need a doctor: ମୋର ଜଣେ ଡାକ୍ତର ଦରକାର [mōra jaṇē ḍāktara darakāra] |
Help: ସାହାଯ୍ୟ [sāhāyẏa] |
Call the ambulance: ଆମ୍ବୁଲାନ୍ସ ଡାକନ୍ତୁ [āmbulānsa ḍākantu] |
Call the police: ପୁଲିସକୁ ଡାକନ୍ତୁ [pulisaku ḍākantu] |
I am sick: ମୋ ଦେହ ଭଲ ନାହିଁ [mō dēha bhala nāhim̐] |
These Odia phrases can be used in a variety of conversations. If you have already visited our Odia Vocabulary and Odia Grammar, you might want to visit our Odia Flashcards to practice what you learned.
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Did you know? Phrases are the combination of the use of vocabulary and grammar. Mastering the vocabulary and grammar can result in the ability to make useful Odia phrases. |