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The Somali phrases are helpful because they are used daily. Below we picked expressions that a new learner will find useful. We included the audio as well. This is a better way to learning. Learn only what you need. We start with greetings and introduction.
Hi: haye |
What is your name?: magacaa? |
Nice to meet you: kulanti wanaagsan |
How are you?: see tahay |
I'm good, thanks: waan fiicnahay, mahadsanid |
And you?: adiguna? |
More questions about language and age:
Do you speak (English/Somali)?: ma ku hadashaa (ingiriis/afkaaga sheeg) |
Does she speak Chinese?: miyay ku hadashaa af shiineys |
A little bit: in yar un |
How old are you?: meeqo sanaad jirtaa |
I'm 33 years old: waxaan ahay saddex iyo soddon |
It was nice talking to you: way wanaagsanayd inaan kula hadlo |
If you don't understand something, this will be your secret weapon:
What do you mean?: maxaad uga jeeddaa |
I don't understand: ma fahmin |
I don't know: ma aqaan |
Sorry: waan ka xumahay |
What is that called in Somali?: waxaas maxaa lagu dhahaa afkaaga sheeg |
What does that word mean in English?: muxuu yahay micnaha eraygaas af ingiriiska? |
More personal information about origins and profession:
Where are you from?: halkee ka timid? |
I'm from the U.S: maraykankaan ka imid |
I'm American: maraykan baan ahay |
Where do you live?: halkee ku nooshahay |
I live in the U.S: maraykankaan ku noolahay |
What do you do for a living?: maxaad nolosha ka soo saarataa? |
I'm a student: arday baan ahay |
Offering or asking for help and giving directions:
Can I help you?: ma ku caawin karaa |
Can you help me?: ma i caawin kartaa |
Where is the airport?: aaway garoonka diyaaradaha |
Go straight: toos u bax |
Then: ka dib |
Turn left: bidix u leexo |
Turn right: midig u leexo |
Good wishes in Somali in holidays and occasions:
Happy birthday: dhalasho wanaagsan |
Happy new year: sannad wanaagsan |
Merry Christmas: kirismas wanaagsan |
Good luck: nasiib wacan |
Congratulations: hambalyo |
Somali expressions commonly used when traveling or buying:
I have a reservation: wuu ii carbuunan yahay |
Do you have rooms available?: miyaad haysaa qolal bannaan |
I would like a non-smoking room: waxaan jeclaan lahaa qol aan sigaar lagu cabin |
How much it costs per night?: waa maxay qiimaha habaynkiiba |
Waiter: kabalyeeri |
How much is this?: waa imisa kani |
What is this?: kani waa maxay? |
Survival phrases considered to be important in emergencies:
Are you okay?: ma fiican tahay? |
I need a doctor: dhakhtar baan u baahnahay |
Help: caawi |
Call the ambulance: wax ambalaaska |
Call the police: wac boliiska |
I am sick: waan jirranahay |
These Somali phrases can be used in a variety of conversations. If you have already visited our Somali Vocabulary and Somali Grammar, you might want to visit our Somali Flashcards to practice what you learned.
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Did you know? Phrases are the combination of the use of vocabulary and grammar. Mastering the vocabulary and grammar can result in the ability to make useful Somali phrases. |